Rabu, 11 Juli 2012

Biografi Shane Westlife

Shane Filan

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Shane Filan Shane Filan

Shane Filan at The Nobel Peace Prize Concert 2009 Shane Filan di The Nobel Peace Prize Concert 2009
Background information Informasi latar belakang
Birth name Nama lahir Shane Steven Filan Shane Steven Filan
Born Lahir ( 1979-07-05 ) 5 July 1979 (age 33) (1979/07/05) 5 Juli 1979 (umur 33)
Origin Asal Sligo, Ireland Sligo, Irlandia
Genres Genre Pop Pop
Occupations Pekerjaan Singer, songwriter Penyanyi, penulis lagu
Instruments Instrumen Vocals Vokal
Labels Label SonyBMG UK/Ireland SonyBMG Inggris / Irlandia
Associated acts Associated tindakan Westlife Westlife
Shane Steven Filan (born 5 July 1979) is an Irish singer and songwriter . Shane Steven Filan (lahir 5 Juli 1979) adalah seorang Irlandia penyanyi dan penulis lagu . He was one of the lead singers of an Irish boy band Westlife before the group disbanded in 2012. Dia adalah salah satu penyanyi utama dari suatu Irlandia boy band Westlife sebelum kelompok bubar pada 2012.


Filan was born on 5 July 1979 to Peter and Mae Filan, and grew up in Sligo, a busy commercial town in the northwest of Ireland. Filan lahir pada tanggal 5 Juli 1979 untuk Peter dan Mae Filan, dan dibesarkan di Sligo, sebuah kota komersial sibuk di barat laut Irlandia. The youngest of seven children, he has three brothers and three sisters: Finbarr, Peter Jr, Yvonne, Liam, Denise and Mairead. Anak bungsu dari tujuh anak, ia memiliki tiga saudara dan tiga saudara perempuan: Finbarr, Peter Jr, Yvonne, Liam, Denise dan Mairead. His parents owned a diner in Sligo named Carlton Caf'e located on Castle Street and Shane used to work there as a waiter from a very early age. Orang tuanya memiliki sebuah rumah makan di Sligo bernama Carlton Caf'e terletak di Castle Street dan Shane dulu bekerja di sana sebagai pelayan dari usia yang sangat dini.
Filan attended Summerhill College , a Catholic school, with Kian Egan and Mark Feehily . Filan dihadiri Summerhill Sekolah Tinggi , seorang Katolik sekolah, dengan Kian Egan dan Mark Feehily . All three of them participated in a school production of Grease when they were about 12. Mereka bertiga berpartisipasi dalam produksi sekolah Grease ketika mereka masih sekitar 12. The Hawkswell Theatre became a significant part of their careers. Teater Hawkswell menjadi bagian penting dari karir mereka. Filan was a fan of Michael Jackson as a child, and claimed the singer inspired him to pursue a career in music. [ 1 ] Filan adalah penggemar Michael Jackson sebagai seorang anak, dan mengklaim penyanyi terinspirasi dia untuk mengejar karir di bidang musik. [1]

[ edit ] Musical career [ sunting ] Karir Musik

[ edit ] As a band member [ sunting ] Sebagai anggota band

Before Westlife, Egan and Feehily were with Filan in a band known as IOU with other Sligonians Derrick Lacey, Graham Keighron and Michael "Miggles" Garrett. Sebelum Westlife, Egan dan Feehily adalah dengan Filan di sebuah band yang dikenal sebagai surat hutang dengan lainnya Sligonians Derrick Lacey, Graham Keighron dan Michael "Miggles" Garrett. He partly wrote the IOYOU's song Together Girl Forever . Dia menulis sebagian lagu yang IOYOU Bersama Gadis Selamanya. For 6 months, Shane's mum, Mae Filan, tried to phone Louis Walsh (who is also the manager of Boyzone). Selama 6 bulan, ibu Shane, Mae Filan, mencoba menelepon Louis Walsh (yang juga manajer Boyzone). Eventually, she was able to speak to him and talked about her son's band. Akhirnya, dia bisa berbicara dengan dia dan berbicara tentang band anaknya. 3 of them were dropped and the other 3, Shane, Kian and Mark, joined ventures to finding 2 more slots for the band. 3 dari mereka dijatuhkan dan 3 lainnya, Shane, Kian dan Mark, bergabung usaha untuk menemukan 2 slot lebih untuk band. Then they were joined by Nicky Byrne and Brian McFadden to form Westside. Kemudian mereka bergabung dengan Nicky Byrne dan Brian McFadden untuk membentuk Westside. The name of the band then changed to Westlife as there were already a number of bands with the name Westside. Nama band ini kemudian berubah menjadi Westlife sebagai sudah ada sejumlah band dengan nama Westside.
Filan, along with Mark Feehily, was the lead singer in Westlife. Filan, bersama dengan Mark Feehily, adalah penyanyi utama di Westlife. Their first album was released in November, 1999, titled Westlife . Album pertama mereka dirilis pada November 1999, Westlife berjudul. With Westlife, Filan has received twenty-eight platinum discs and sold 40 million records worldwide. [ 2 ] Dengan Westlife, Filan telah menerima dua puluh delapan cakram platinum dan terjual 40 juta album di seluruh dunia.

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