Rabu, 11 Juli 2012

Album Love From Westlife

Kehidupan pribadi Shane Filan

Filan married his childhood sweetheart, Gillian on 28 December 2003 at Ballintubber Abbey , followed by a reception at Ashford Castle , Ireland. [ 10 ] Gillian gave birth to their first child, a daughter, Nicole Rose, at Sligo General Hospital on 23 July 2005. Filan menikahi kekasih masa kecilnya, Gillian pada tanggal 28 Desember 2003 di Ballintubber Abbey , dilanjutkan dengan resepsi di Ashford Castle , Irlandia. [10] Gillian melahirkan anak pertama mereka, anak perempuan, Nicole Rose, di Sligo General Hospital pada 23 Juli 2005 . Their second child, a son, Patrick Michael, was born at Sligo General Hospital on 15 September 2008. Anak kedua mereka, anak laki-laki, Patrick Michael, lahir di Sligo General Hospital pada 15 September 2008. On 5 July 2009 (the day of his 30th birthday) Shane announced that he and Gillian were having their third child. Pada tanggal 5 Juli 2009 (hari ulang tahun 30 nya) Shane mengumumkan bahwa dia dan Gillian yang memiliki anak ketiga mereka. Shane Peter, named after his father, was born at 9.34pm on 22 January 2010 weighing in at 6 lbs 9oz. Shane Petrus, nama ayahnya, lahir di 9:34 pada 22 Januari 2010 berbobot £ 6 9oz.
Shane likes to play golf in his spare time, but loves horses much more. Shane suka memainkan golf di waktu luang, tapi mencintai kuda banyak lagi. He and his family own more than 70 of them, and used to compete at horse tournaments. Dia dan keluarganya memiliki lebih dari 70 dari mereka, dan digunakan untuk bersaing di turnamen kuda. All of Shane's horses are named Carlton something (eg Carlton Flight, Carlton Clover Association of Ireland). Semua kuda Shane diberi nama Carlton sesuatu (misalnya Carlton Flight, Carlton Clover Asosiasi Irlandia). A massive Manchester United fan, Filan and bandmate Nicky Byrne proudly wore their Man Utd scarves as they were half time guests at Old Trafford for the game between United and Bolton Wanderers . Sebuah besar Manchester United fan, Filan dan bandmate Nicky Byrne bangga mengenakan Man Utd syal mereka karena mereka adalah tamu setengah waktu di Old Trafford untuk pertandingan antara United dan Bolton Wanderers .
In 2010, Filan participated and won Soccer Aid , a British charity football match, alongside bandmate Nicky Byrne and the Rest of the World Team. Pada tahun 2010, Filan berpartisipasi dan memenangkan Bantuan Sepakbola , seorang Inggris amal pertandingan sepak bola, bersama bandmate Nicky Byrne dan Istirahat dari Tim Dunia. Following in the footsteps of his bandmate, Kian, Filan appeared as Walsh's guest judge in the groups category of The X Factor . Mengikuti jejak dari bandmate nya, Kian, Filan tampil sebagai hakim tamu Walsh dalam kategori kelompok The X Factor . . .
He and his eldest brother, Finbarr, run Shafin Developments – a property development company. Dia dan kakak sulungnya, Finbarr, jalankan Shafin Perkembangan - sebuah pengembangan properti perusahaan. The company was placed in receivership in May 2012 [ 11 ] and Filan was declared bankrupt a little over a month later after suffering losses in Ireland's property crash. [ 12 ] Perusahaan ini ditempatkan di kurator Mei 2012 [11] dan Filan dinyatakan bangkrut sedikit lebih dari sebulan kemudian setelah mengalami kerugian dalam kecelakaan properti Irlandia

Biografi Shane Westlife

Shane Filan

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Shane Filan Shane Filan

Shane Filan at The Nobel Peace Prize Concert 2009 Shane Filan di The Nobel Peace Prize Concert 2009
Background information Informasi latar belakang
Birth name Nama lahir Shane Steven Filan Shane Steven Filan
Born Lahir ( 1979-07-05 ) 5 July 1979 (age 33) (1979/07/05) 5 Juli 1979 (umur 33)
Origin Asal Sligo, Ireland Sligo, Irlandia
Genres Genre Pop Pop
Occupations Pekerjaan Singer, songwriter Penyanyi, penulis lagu
Instruments Instrumen Vocals Vokal
Labels Label SonyBMG UK/Ireland SonyBMG Inggris / Irlandia
Associated acts Associated tindakan Westlife Westlife
Shane Steven Filan (born 5 July 1979) is an Irish singer and songwriter . Shane Steven Filan (lahir 5 Juli 1979) adalah seorang Irlandia penyanyi dan penulis lagu . He was one of the lead singers of an Irish boy band Westlife before the group disbanded in 2012. Dia adalah salah satu penyanyi utama dari suatu Irlandia boy band Westlife sebelum kelompok bubar pada 2012.


Filan was born on 5 July 1979 to Peter and Mae Filan, and grew up in Sligo, a busy commercial town in the northwest of Ireland. Filan lahir pada tanggal 5 Juli 1979 untuk Peter dan Mae Filan, dan dibesarkan di Sligo, sebuah kota komersial sibuk di barat laut Irlandia. The youngest of seven children, he has three brothers and three sisters: Finbarr, Peter Jr, Yvonne, Liam, Denise and Mairead. Anak bungsu dari tujuh anak, ia memiliki tiga saudara dan tiga saudara perempuan: Finbarr, Peter Jr, Yvonne, Liam, Denise dan Mairead. His parents owned a diner in Sligo named Carlton Caf'e located on Castle Street and Shane used to work there as a waiter from a very early age. Orang tuanya memiliki sebuah rumah makan di Sligo bernama Carlton Caf'e terletak di Castle Street dan Shane dulu bekerja di sana sebagai pelayan dari usia yang sangat dini.
Filan attended Summerhill College , a Catholic school, with Kian Egan and Mark Feehily . Filan dihadiri Summerhill Sekolah Tinggi , seorang Katolik sekolah, dengan Kian Egan dan Mark Feehily . All three of them participated in a school production of Grease when they were about 12. Mereka bertiga berpartisipasi dalam produksi sekolah Grease ketika mereka masih sekitar 12. The Hawkswell Theatre became a significant part of their careers. Teater Hawkswell menjadi bagian penting dari karir mereka. Filan was a fan of Michael Jackson as a child, and claimed the singer inspired him to pursue a career in music. [ 1 ] Filan adalah penggemar Michael Jackson sebagai seorang anak, dan mengklaim penyanyi terinspirasi dia untuk mengejar karir di bidang musik. [1]

[ edit ] Musical career [ sunting ] Karir Musik

[ edit ] As a band member [ sunting ] Sebagai anggota band

Before Westlife, Egan and Feehily were with Filan in a band known as IOU with other Sligonians Derrick Lacey, Graham Keighron and Michael "Miggles" Garrett. Sebelum Westlife, Egan dan Feehily adalah dengan Filan di sebuah band yang dikenal sebagai surat hutang dengan lainnya Sligonians Derrick Lacey, Graham Keighron dan Michael "Miggles" Garrett. He partly wrote the IOYOU's song Together Girl Forever . Dia menulis sebagian lagu yang IOYOU Bersama Gadis Selamanya. For 6 months, Shane's mum, Mae Filan, tried to phone Louis Walsh (who is also the manager of Boyzone). Selama 6 bulan, ibu Shane, Mae Filan, mencoba menelepon Louis Walsh (yang juga manajer Boyzone). Eventually, she was able to speak to him and talked about her son's band. Akhirnya, dia bisa berbicara dengan dia dan berbicara tentang band anaknya. 3 of them were dropped and the other 3, Shane, Kian and Mark, joined ventures to finding 2 more slots for the band. 3 dari mereka dijatuhkan dan 3 lainnya, Shane, Kian dan Mark, bergabung usaha untuk menemukan 2 slot lebih untuk band. Then they were joined by Nicky Byrne and Brian McFadden to form Westside. Kemudian mereka bergabung dengan Nicky Byrne dan Brian McFadden untuk membentuk Westside. The name of the band then changed to Westlife as there were already a number of bands with the name Westside. Nama band ini kemudian berubah menjadi Westlife sebagai sudah ada sejumlah band dengan nama Westside.
Filan, along with Mark Feehily, was the lead singer in Westlife. Filan, bersama dengan Mark Feehily, adalah penyanyi utama di Westlife. Their first album was released in November, 1999, titled Westlife . Album pertama mereka dirilis pada November 1999, Westlife berjudul. With Westlife, Filan has received twenty-eight platinum discs and sold 40 million records worldwide. [ 2 ] Dengan Westlife, Filan telah menerima dua puluh delapan cakram platinum dan terjual 40 juta album di seluruh dunia.

Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

Semua lagu dari Gravity Album by Westlife

My Love Lyrics
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What About Now Lyrics
You Raise Me Up Lyrics
I Have A Dream Lyrics
Us Against The World Lyrics
All Or Nothing Lyrics
Something Right Lyrics
Total Eclipse Of The Heart Lyrics
More Than Words Lyrics
Rose Lyrics
Uptown Girl Lyrics
If I Let You Go Lyrics
Beautiful In White Lyrics
When I'm With You Lyrics
Flying Without Wings Lyrics
All Out Of Love Lyrics
When You're Looking Like That Lyrics
I Lay My Love On You Lyrics
I Do Lyrics
Safe Lyrics
I'm Already There Lyrics
Against All Odds Lyrics
I'll Be Lovin You Forever Lyrics
Soledad Lyrics
Hard To Say I'm Sorry Lyrics
Like A Rose Lyrics
I Wanna Grow Old With You Lyrics
Don't Let Me Go Lyrics
I'll See You Again Lyrics
Swear It Again Lyrics
Fool Again Lyrics
Lighthouse Lyrics
Season In The Sun Lyrics
As Love Is My Witness Lyrics
Queen Of My Heart Lyrics
When You Tell Me That You Love Me Lyrics
Seasons In The Sun Lyrics
Written In The Stars Lyrics
Why Do I Love You Lyrics
Mandy Lyrics
Where We Are Lyrics
Amazing Lyrics
World Of Our Own Lyrics
What Makes A Man Lyrics
I Don't Wanna Fight No More Lyrics
Unbreakable Lyrics
Beautiful World Lyrics
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Have You Ever Lyrics
To Be With You Lyrics
In This Life Lyrics
Every Little Thing You Do Lyrics
Nothing's Going To Change My Love For You Lyrics
You Make Me Feel Lyrics
Open Your Heart Lyrics
Bop Bop Baby Lyrics
A Fragile Heart Lyrics
No More Heroes Lyrics
Evergreen Lyrics
How To Break A Heart Lyrics
Angel Lyrics
Obvious Lyrics
I Cry Lyrics
Leaving Lyrics
Angel's Wings Lyrics
We Are One Lyrics
Coast To Coast Lyrics
Miss You Lyrics
Catch My Breath Lyrics
Pictures In My Head Lyrics
I Need You Lyrics
It's You Lyrics
Dreams Come True Lyrics
Moments Lyrics
Tonight Lyrics
Puzzle Of My Heart Lyrics
You Light Up My Life Lyrics
Somebody Needs You Lyrics
You Must Have Had A Broken Heart Lyrics
Close Your Eyes Lyrics
Butterfly Kisses Lyrics
Try Again Lyrics
Shadows Lyrics
If Your Heart's Not In It Lyrics
If I Had Words Lyrics
Swear It All Over Again Lyrics
Change The World Lyrics
Have You Ever Been In Love Lyrics
The Difference Lyrics
Sound of a Broken Heart Lyrics
When a Woman Loves a Man Lyrics
The Easy Way Lyrics
Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) Lyrics
I Won't Let You Down Lyrics
Beautiful Tonight Lyrics
Love Can Build A Bridge Lyrics
My Girl Lyrics
How Does It Feel Lyrics
That's Where You Find Love Lyrics
Don't Say It's Too Late Lyrics
Why Did You Leave Me Lyrics
I Don't Wanna Fight Lyrics
No Place That Far Lyrics
Get Away Lyrics
To Be Loved Lyrics
Loneliness Knows Me By Name Lyrics
Can't Lose What You Never Had Lyrics
Desperado Lyrics
I Will Reach You Lyrics
You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling Lyrics
Another World Lyrics
Nothing Is Impossible Lyrics
No No Lyrics
Reach Out Lyrics
I'll Be There Lyrics
You Are So Beautiful Lyrics
If Tomorrow Never Comes Lyrics
Can't Loose What You Never Had Lyrics
Tell Me What Makes a Man Lyrics
Great Balls Of Fire Lyrics
Forever Lyrics
Colour My World Lyrics
When You Come Around Lyrics
Miss You Night Lyrics
Miss You When I'm Dreaming Lyrics
Walk Away Lyrics
Talk Me Down Lyrics
Too Hard To Say Goodbye Lyrics
I Did It for You Lyrics
Maybe Tomorrow Lyrics
Heart Without A Home Lyrics
En ti deje' mi amor Lyrics
You Don't Know Lyrics
Back At One Lyrics
I Promise You That Lyrics
Hit You With The Real Thing Lyrics
Hey Whatever Lyrics
Don't Get Me Wrong Lyrics
If I Let You Go (Radio Edit) Lyrics
Drive Lyrics
Story Of Love Lyrics
Change Your Mind Lyrics
What Becomes of The Broken Hearted Lyrics
Raise Me Up Lyrics
On My Shoulder Lyrics
What I Want Is What I've Got Lyrics
Love Takes Two Lyrics
Closer Lyrics
The Reason Lyrics
Fly Me To The Moon Lyrics
Tell Me It's Love Lyrics
Turn Around Lyrics
Dance Lyrics
Heal Lyrics
I Have A Dream (Remix) Lyrics
Thank You Lyrics
Ain't That A Kick In The Head Lyrics
Before It's too Late Lyrics
Baby I Need Your Loving Lyrics
Bad Girls Lyrics
Chances Lyrics
Difference In Me Lyrics
I'm Missing Loving You Lyrics
Now and Forever Lyrics
Easy Lyrics
I Get Weak Lyrics
Do You Love Me Lyrics
Lost in You Lyrics
Never Knew I Was Losing You Lyrics
Daytime Friends And Nighttime Lovers Lyrics
Where We Belong Lyrics
On The Wings Of Love Lyrics
Last Mile Of The Way Lyrics
Love Crime Lyrics
That's What's It's All About Lyrics
What Do They Know? Lyrics
Against The Odds Lyrics
Until The End Of Time Lyrics
She's Back Lyrics
No One 's Gonna Sleep Tonight Lyrics
Come Fly With Me Lyrics
Everlasting Love Lyrics
I Left My Heart In San Francisco Lyrics
My Private Movie Lyrics
But If I Let You Go Lyrics
Smile Lyrics
If Lyrics
Drive (For All Time) Lyrics
I'm Not In Love Lyrics
What I Want Is What I Got Lyrics
When I Fall In Love Lyrics
I Lay My Love On You (Spanish Version) Lyrics
Brown Eyed Girl Lyrics
You See Friends (I See Lovers) Lyrics
Everybody Knows Lyrics
Please Stay Lyrics
Con lo bien que te ves Lyrics
Clementine Lyrics
Way You Look Tonight Lyrics
That's Life Lyrics
Reason For Living Lyrics
Mack The Knife Lyrics
Light Up My Life Lyrics
Crying Girl Lyrics
Beyond The Sea Lyrics
When You're Looking Like That (Spanish Version) Lyrics
Still Here Lyrics
Singing Forever Lyrics
Tunnel Of Love Lyrics
Solitaire Lyrics
Moon River Lyrics
Build Me Up Buttercup Lyrics
Don't Calm The Storm Lyrics
Simle Lyrics
Let's Make Tonight Special Lyrics
Let There Be Love Lyrics
Imaginary Diva Lyrics
Kiss Lyrics
Bop Bop Baby (Single Remix) Lyrics
I Can't Get Next To You Lyrics
No More Tear (Enough In Enough) Lyrics
Together Girl Forever Lyrics
Poet's Heart Lyrics
Merry Christmas Everybody Lyrics
Abre Tú Corazón Lyrics
Summer Wind Lyrics
Real To Me Lyrics
Greased Lightnin' Lyrics
That's What It's All About Lyrics
Wide Open Lyrics
Con lo vien lo te ves (Spanish version of when you're lookin' like that) Lyrics
Irish Son Lyrics
IOU---Everlasting Love Lyrics
Buffalo Stance Lyrics
IOU---Together Girl Forever Lyrics
Fragile Heart Lyrics
White Christmas Lyrics
Verdict Lyrics
I Don Acute;T Wanna Fight Lyrics
Women (Lose Lose in Situation) Lyrics
With You Lyrics

Biodata Kian Egan

Nama Lengkap : Kian John Franciss Egan
Nama Panggilan : Kian, Trigger
TTL : Sligo, 29 April 1980
Ibu dan Ayah : Patriciyah dan Kevin Egan
Saudara Laki-laki : Tom, Gavin, dan Colm
Saudara Perempuan : Marielle, Vivianno, Fanella
Alamat : Artane Road 37a, Hazelwood, Sligo
Tinggi Badan : 177 cm
Warna Bola Mata : Biru
Saudara : 3 saudara laki-laki, 3 saudara perempuan, 2
keponakan laki-laki, 2 keponakan perempuan
Tanda Khusus : Birat di bawah mata kanan, birat pada lutut kiri
Pekerjaan Pertama : Penjual tiket di toko sepatu/ toko baju
Lagu Fauvorite di Westlife : Fool Again
Lagu yang Tak Disuka : What I Want Is What I’veGot
Anggota Five Fauvorite : Richie
Game Fauvorite : Time Crisis. Lebih suka Ready to Rumble
dalam Dreamcast
Poster Pertama Dipasang di Dinding : Cindy Crawford
Motto : Jika kamu ingi diberi maka kamu harus
Karakter Kartun Kesukaan : Buzz Lightyear
Bagian Tubuh yang Disuka : Mata
Yang Tak Disuka pada Cewek : Terlalu cepat emosi
Jika Membuat Peraturan : Menjadikan Sligo ibu kota Irlandia
Ketika Sekolah : Teman-teman mengatakan Kian cool
Ambisi : Ingin jadi aktor
Yang Membuat Tertawa : Bryan dan Mark suka ngebanyol
Yang Membuat Menangis : Film menyedihkan seperti Patch Adams
Kaos Kaki Bermotif : Dikasih fans beberapa pasang
Baju Paling Mahal : Jaket kulit Dolce dan Gabbana seharga 1.500
Benda Termahal yang Dimiliki : Jam Rolex seharga 4.000 Pounds
Cara Meninggal yang Diinginkan : Tidur dengan wajah tersebyum
Yang Tidak Boleh Dilakukan : Merokok
Panjang Kaki : 31 inchi
Lingkar Dada : 40 inchi
Tato : Gambar simbol China Spirit untuk jiwa, di
Sekolah : Summer Hill College, Sligo
Band Pertama : Scord
Pelajaran yang Tak Disukai : Matematika
Pelajaran yang Paling Disukai : Kesenian
Kesukaan : Manggung bersama Westlife
Yang Tak Disukai : Sushi (makanan Jepang), orang yang suka
bertindak kasar
Film Terbaik : Titanic
Aktor/Aktris Fauvorite : Brad Pitt dan Cameron Diaz
Penyanyi Fauvorite : Brian Littrel dan Celine Dion
Makanan Fauvorite : Steak, kripik, dan McDonalds
Minuman Fauvorite : 7 Up
Tempat untuk Santai : Di depan TV
Tempat Fauvorite untuk Dikunjungi : USA
Parfum Fauvorite : JOOD (cowok) dan Loads (cewek)
Kesebelasan Fauvorite : Liverpool
Lagu Fauvorite : Baby One More Time
Perbuatan Romantis : Terlalu banyak untuk diberikan
Kenangan Sebelum Gabung Westlife : Ingin membentuk band rock,tapi ngga’
kesampaian. Waktu kontes bakat bersama
Scord untuk pertama kalinya menerima
bayaran 500 Poundsterling

Biodata Nicky Byrne

Nama Lengkap : Nicholas Bernard James Adam Byrne
Nama Panggilan : Nicky, Nico, dan Nix
Nama Irlandia : Naucal O’Byrne
TTL : Dublin, 9 Oktober 1978
Ibu dan Ayah : Iyvone dan Nicholas Byrne Sr.
Saudara Laki-Laki : Adam
Saudara Perempuan : Gillian
Alamat : Dublin
Tinggi Badan : 178 cm
Warna Bola Mata : Biru
Saudara : 1 adik laki-laki dan 1 kakak perempuan
Binatang Peliharaan : Anjing
Pekerjaan Pertama : Pemain bola profesional
Tanda Istimewa : Robekan 5 inchi di siku, 6 inchi bekas operasi
hernia, 2 bekas luka di kepala
Lagu Fauvorite di Westlife : Moments
Lirik Paling Nyebelin di Westlife : I have a dream a song to sing
We had joy we had fun we have seasons in the
Artis Fauvorite : Shane Westlife
Bintang Opera Sabun Fauvorite : Chandler ’Friends’, namun jarang nonton
Bagian Tubuh yang Disukai : Mata
Waktu Santai : Lebih suka jalan-jalan sama Georgina
Ketika Sekolah : Teman-teman mengatakan Nicky cool.
mungkin karena Nicky bisa menyelesaikan
persoalan dengan baik
Guru Pertama yang Disuka : Miss Gallagher
Yang Membuat Menangis : Mendengar cerita tentang penindasan terhadap
yang lemah dan cerita orang yang miskin.
Rasanya ingin membantu
Kaos Kaki Bermotif : Bergambar The Simpson dan Whiffy Bum
Penculikan oleh Alien : Percaya. Di jagat ini manusia tak sendiri
Yang Ada di Bawah Ranjang : Karaoke player, CD, alat-alat untuk latihan
Kesenangan yang Diinginkan : Hidup sehat bersama seseorang yang dicintai
Motto : Seorang pemenang tak pernah berhenti
Cara Meninggal yang Diinginkan : Secara damai dan tak ada rasa sakit
Panjang kaki : 30,5 inchi
Warna Bola Mata : Biru
Lingkar Dada : 39 inchi
Tato : Disain Celtic di bawah punggung
Sekolah : Kembali ke Plunkit College setelah bergabung
2 tahun dengan Leeds United Club
Band Pertama : Westlife
Pelajaran yang Tak Disuka : Matematika
Pelajaran yang Paling Disuka : Bahasa Inggris dan geografi. Ngga’ pernah
dapat nilai jelek
Kesukaan : Makan keluar, berbelanja, pulang ke rumah
menjenguk keluarga
Yang Tak Disukai : Merokok dan orang yang menjenggkelkan
Film Terbaik : Titanic dan Die Hard
Aktor/Aktris Terbaik : Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt, dan Demi Moore
Penyanyi Favourite : Phill Colins dan Natale Imbruglia
Makanan Fauvorite : Makan malam di hari Minggu, McDonalds
Minuman Fauvorite : Pepsi
Tempat untuk Santai : Dipan di beranda rumah
Tempat Fauvorite untuk Dikunjungi : P.Carribean, New York, dan Sydney
Parfum Fauvorite : Dolce dan Gabbana (cowok) dan CK Eternity
Kesebelasan Fauvorite : Manchester United
Lagu Fauvorite : Flying Without Wings
Ucapan yang Disuka : Le Gra, artinya dengan cinta (bahasa Irlandia)
Kenangan Sebelum Gabung Westlife : Patah semangat ketika keluar dari Leeds.
Waktu casting untuk Westlife pakai baju
Tahun Aktif : 1998 –sekarang
Terkait dengan : Westlife
Genre : Pop
Pekerjaan : Penyanyi dan penulis lagu